Hello networkers. Another year is going to end soon. New Year is coming with new possibilities. So again you have another chance to forget about bitter experience and move on. Are you ready with your new plan or target? If not, then start working on it.
Many new companies are going to launch soon. So it can be a good opportunity for members. You can research market a bit before joining any company. Such that what kind of plan, market demand, commission and payout process.

Are you scared that you did not do well in your previous company? Or you are feeling low because after joining with network marketing company, you were unable to meet up your expectations? Then don’t be heart broken. You may be not achieve success on your previous try. But you have got plenty of opportunities to show your capabilities. Make a list what you have done in your previous business. Try to find out what you did wrong.
Some common mistakes new members made are:
- Common mistake done by most of new members is not communicating enough. You need regular communications among your up link and down link members.
- Some members do not know the value of social media. As this is one of the best medium to connect with new people. Through this one can increase his connection.
- Another common mistake is done by new people is being selfish. Once they started getting benefited, they want more. So they try to use others. But you should keep in mind multilevel marketing is all about helping each other.
- Some networkers think that they know everything. This kind of behavior won’t help you to reach your goal. Always listen what an experienced team member is suggesting and never stop learning.
So before joining again, first learn from your mistakes, study market, meet new potential people who can be a help for you. Also keep your mind open. Help you team when they need. Build a good relation with your associates. Fix a deadline for your business volume. You will surely be successful.
Now there are many network leaders out there thinking of past failure. They have a very good plan in mind but scared because of past experience. Well another year is coming and many young people will be joining mlm companies. For them new year is like another new starts. This time they will be full energetic. So launching new plan can be very beneficial for you as you can find more enthusiastic young people around you.

Many networkers becoming more and more experienced over few years. So do not bind yourself as a member, be an entrepreneur. Launch your own income plan and make money when are sleeping. Let others work for you. If you were a leader then it is sure as a leader you already point out your previous mistakes. But if you are thinking to start your own business plan, then keeping these points on mind might help you in your business.
Some common mistakes that leaders do often :
- Inconsistency: Many leaders are very inconsistent with their part of job. After launching plan, they forget to regular communication with members. Also they stop promoting or convincing others after a few rejections. This eventually leads the plan towards failure.
- Not a clear vision: Many leaders do launch very good plan but they do not have a clear vision about the business. They promote business without proper experience or knowledge. So sometimes they failed to convince others to join. Even he manages to join many members on the system, because of lack of management sometimes they unable to run the business.
- Negative attitude: This can ruin image of a leader. When members get negative vibe from their leader they got confused about their own future with the company. They starts thinking all negative aspect about multilevel business and stop working hard. Instead they just try to maximize their investment in a hurry. Which leads a business in failure.
- Proper Software: Another unfortunate mistake often done by leaders and that is software. When you are planning a business plan software is the most important part of it. Because you have to rely on that system for successful execution of your income plan. But most of the leaders do not pay attention on it. They just go for random software provider whoever gives them a cheap product. But when you want to run a long time business then always choose quality software provider. Otherwise the base of your business would be weak and it won’t be able to perform well.

Those are some of many reasons to fail. But leaders need to keep them motivated and positive all the time. They have to think and plan ahead of time. That’s why work about plan and launch without delay. If you are unhappy with your software provider then mlmsoft is here for you. After all without a proper software is it impossible to make your plan alive.
Last but not least, always remember new day new opportunity. So left those bitter memories behind and welcome New Year. Stay motivated and be motivation to others as well. We wish you all the very best and happy New Year in advance.